Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Prideful Thought

Snippet of recent journaling...
Oh God. What have you done? That is not a facetious question. That is a question of wonder and awe. I KNOW what you're doing in MY heart. Now I'm beginning to see what You are doing in the hearts of OTHERS! Now you want ME to UNLEASH RELENTLESSLY - Now I can see how You've been working in THEM too! Pride! Down a notch, or two, or ten! ................
I so want to be a part of this or that or that or this, but I can only do my own part,
Thank You God, that I HAVE a part!
The verses you gave me after this entry? Only You God could/would orchestrate -
Is. 60:22 ...in it's time, I will do this swiftly.
Eph. 5:10 ... and find out what pleases the Lord.
What pleases You Lord?
Here I am, send me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to be a part of the "gatekeepers" or shall I say I would like to chat with you about the ministry~Love you, dg